Our Brand New Intermediate-Level Krav Maga Students!!!

Help us celebrate these awesome humans who have successfully passed their beginner-level Krav Maga test!!!

These folks poured their hearts into their training, clocking in hours of hard work, sheer perseverance, and buckets of sweat. And guess what? Their dedication paid off!

This group of 9 determined individuals, truly pushed their limits, and cheered each other on. Not only did they achieve personal success, but they did it together, as a tight-knit community. Watching them support each other, lift each other up, and grow stronger together was nothing short of inspiring.

To celebrate their success we hosted a special coin and certificate presentation. It was a moment filled with cheers, high-fives, and proud smiles all around.

We are very proud of each one of you!


Full Body Burn! Seriously!


Empowering Women Through Self-Defense